Dr James Korte
Dr James Korte is an engineer who began medical imaging research during his PhD in magnetic resonance imaging. With a desire to translate technological advances to improved clinical outcomes, he now works at a cancer research hospital, investigating imaging to improve clinical decisions, radiation treatment delivery and developing personalised treatment positions.
James will speak on “Collaborative design of a rotating patient platform for upright cone-beam CT guided radiation therapy with conventional photon therapy machines”.
Presentation details: We have developed a rotating radiation therapy platform, that is designed to integrate with existing photon-based radiation therapy machines, to provide patients with an alternative seated treatment position. The platform is central to a clinical trial (ACTRN12623000498695) that will investigate seated cone-beam CT (CBCT) imaging for positioning patients with lung cancer or head and neck cancer, a first step towards upright treatments in the future.
Chiara Martire
Chiara Martire graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome in 2022, and started working in the field of particle therapy as a masters student at GSI, with a thesis on carbon ion treatment plans and motion mitigation techniques for lung tumours. Since November 2022, Chiara has been a PhD candidate at GSI. Her research addresses carbon ion treatment planning studies for lung cancers, focusing on upright therapy, motion management and the lung modulation effect.
Chiara will speak on the topic of “Upright particle therapy of lung cancer”.
Presentation details: Upright particle therapy for lung cancer patients combines the effectiveness of particle therapy with economical and technological advantages of the upright position. Possible clinical advantages must be investigated through treatment planning studies. We present the first comparisons between upright and supine particle therapy 4D dose calculation. Initial results were presented as a poster at PTCOG61, where I was awarded the Travel Fellowship.